

Prof. Angela P. Schoellig

Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

“I am excited about robotics, controls and machine learning, and any novel sensing and computing technology that enables us to design robotic systems that interact with the world and with us.”

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Postdoctoral Fellows

Siqi Zhou

SiQi Zhou

PhD Aerospace Engineering, University of Toronto

Semantically safe robot decision-making.

Utku Culha

Utku Çulha

Dr.Sc. Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich

Physically adaptive robots and process automation.

Alexander von Rohr

Alexander von Rohr

M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Lübeck

Probabilistic models for optimization and control.

PhD Students

Adam Heins

Adam Heins

BASc Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo

Robust mobile manipulation for robotic pushing and nonprehensile object transportation.

Wenda Zhao

MASc Electrical and Control Engineering, Tongji University

Robust and accurate indoor localization for multi-agent systems.


Alan Li

BASc Engineering Science, University of Toronto

Transfer learning in 6D pose estimation of objects from camera images.


Keenan Burnett

Keenan Burnett

MASc Aerospace Engineering, University of Toronto

Development of a self-driving car for the SAE AutoDrive Challenge (with Tim Barfoot).

Lukas Brunke

Lukas Brunke

M.Sc. Mechatronics, Hamburg University of Technology

Safe learning-based control under uncertainties.


Adam Hall

BScEng Engineering Physics, Queen’s University

Exploiting properties of differentially flat systems to improve safe learning-based control (with Jonathan Kelly).


Sepehr Samavi

Sepehr Samavi

MASc Aerospace Engineering, University of Toronto

Learned planning and control for navigating interactive scenarios (with Florian Shkurti).

Abhishek Goudar

Abhishek Goudar

MS Robotics Systems Development, Carnegie Mellon University

Sensor fusion for indoor localization on computationally constrained platforms.

Jingxing Qian

Jingxing Qian

BASc Engineering Science, University of Toronto

Algorithms for self-driving vehicles.


Xintong Du

Xintong Du

BASc Engineering Science, University of Toronto

Planning under uncertainties.

Federico Pizarro Bejarano

Federico Pizarro Bejarano

BASc Engineering Science, University of Toronto

Certification of the safety of model-free reinforcement learning controllers.

Martin Schuck

Martin Schuck

M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, TU Munich

Combining language models with reinforcement learning and robotics.


Shambhuraj Sawant

Shambhuraj Sawant

MSc Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft

Safe reinforcement learning and model predictive control.

Ralf Römer

M.Sc. Electrical and Computer Engineering, TU Munich

Learning for vision-based planning and control in uncertain dynamic environments.

Tsung Yuan Tseng

Tsung Yuan Tseng

M.Sc. Robotic System Engineering, RWTH Aachen University

Efficient risk-averse Bayesian optimization for robot learning.


Oliver Hausdörfer

Oliver Hausdörfer

M.Sc. Mechatronics and Robotics, TU Munich

Deep reinforcement learning for complex robots and real-world interactions.

Masters Students

Ben Springer

Ben Sprenger

BASc Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto

Nicoló Musolesi

B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering, University of Bologna

Mingxuan Che

B.Sc Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology

Quantifying Prior Knowledge in Learning-based Control and Reinforcement Learning.


Yanni Zhang

B.Sc. Opto-Electronics Information Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology

Semantic safety filter for robot manipulation.


AutoDrive Challenge Students

Zeus AutoDrive

aUToronto Team

University of Toronto

Development of a self-driving car for the SAE/GM AutoDrive Challenge. Meet the AutoDrive team.

Former Students of the Dynamic Systems Lab

Postdoctoral Fellows

PhD Students

Masters Students

Undergraduate Students

Team Photos


University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies