Safe Robot Learning
Learning can be used to improve the performance of a robotic system in a complex environment. However, providing safety guarantees during the learning process is one of the key challenges that prevents these algorithms from being applied to real world applications. We aim to address this by combining robust and predictive control theory with probabilistic modelling techniques such as Gaussian Process Regression. In addition, some of our recent work has focused on enabling these systems adapt safely to new conditions that arise as a natural part of deploying robots in realistic outdoor environments for long periods of time. Our algorithms have been evaluated on ground and aerial vehicles as well as on mobile manipulators for human-robot collaboration.
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Open-sourcing research publications is a key enabler for the reproducibility of studies and the collective scientific progress of a research community. As all fields of science develop more advanced algorithms, we become more dependent on complex computational toolboxes – sharing research ideas solely through equations and proofs is no longer sufficient to communicate scientific developments. Over the past years, several efforts have highlighted the importance and challenges of transparent and reproducible research; code sharing is one of the key necessities in such efforts. In this article, we study the impact of code release on scientific research and present statistics from three research communities: machine learning, robotics, and control. We found that, over a six-year period (2016-2021), the percentages of papers with code at major machine learning, robotics, and control conferences have at least doubled. Moreover, high-impact papers were generally supported by open-source codes. As an example, the top 1\% of most cited papers at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) consistently included open-source codes. In addition, our analysis shows that popular code repositories generally come with high paper citations, which further highlights the coupling between code sharing and the impact of scientific research. While the trends are encouraging, we would like to continue to promote and increase our efforts toward transparent, reproducible research that accelerates innovation – releasing code with our papers is a clear first step.
author={Zhou, Siqi and Brunke, Lukas and Tao, Allen and Hall, Adam W. and Pizarro Bejarano, Federico and Panerati, Jacopo and Schoellig, Angela P.},
journal={{IEEE Control Systems Magazine}},
title={What is the Impact of Releasing Code with Publications? Statistics from the Machine Learning, Robotics, and Control Communities},
abstract={Open-sourcing research publications is a key enabler for the reproducibility of studies and the collective scientific progress of a research community. As all fields of science develop more advanced algorithms, we become more dependent on complex computational toolboxes -- sharing research ideas solely through equations and proofs is no longer sufficient to communicate scientific developments. Over the past years, several efforts have highlighted the importance and challenges of transparent and reproducible research; code sharing is one of the key necessities in such efforts. In this article, we study the impact of code release on scientific research and present statistics from three research communities: machine learning, robotics, and control. We found that, over a six-year period (2016-2021), the percentages of papers with code at major machine learning, robotics, and control conferences have at least doubled. Moreover, high-impact papers were generally supported by open-source codes. As an example, the top 1\% of most cited papers at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) consistently included open-source codes. In addition, our analysis shows that popular code repositories generally come with high paper citations, which further highlights the coupling between code sharing and the impact of scientific research. While the trends are encouraging, we would like to continue to promote and increase our efforts toward transparent, reproducible research that accelerates innovation -- releasing code with our papers is a clear first step.}
Safe-control-gym: a unified benchmark suite for safe learning-based control and reinforcement learning in roboticsZ. Yuan, A. W. Hall, S. Zhou, M. G. Lukas Brunke and, J. Panerati, and A. P. SchoelligIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 11142-11149, 2022.
In recent years, both reinforcement learning and learning-based control—as well as the study of their safety, which is crucial for deployment in real-world robots—have gained significant traction. However, to adequately gauge the progress and applicability of new results, we need the tools to equitably compare the approaches proposed by the controls and reinforcement learning communities. Here, we propose a new open-source benchmark suite, called safe-control-gym, supporting both model-based and data-based control techniques. We provide implementations for three dynamic systems—the cart-pole, the 1D, and 2D quadrotor—and two control tasks—stabilization and trajectory tracking. We propose to extend OpenAI’s Gym API—the de facto standard in reinforcement learning research—with (i) the ability to specify (and query) symbolic dynamics and (ii) constraints, and (iii) (repeatably) inject simulated disturbances in the control inputs, state measurements, and inertial properties. To demonstrate our proposal and in an attempt to bring research communities closer together, we show how to use safe-control-gym to quantitatively compare the control performance, data efficiency, and safety of multiple approaches from the fields of traditional control, learning-based control, and reinforcement learning.
author={Zhaocong Yuan and Adam W. Hall and Siqi Zhou and Lukas Brunke and, Melissa Greeff and Jacopo Panerati and Angela P. Schoellig},
title={safe-control-gym: a Unified Benchmark Suite for Safe Learning-based Control and Reinforcement Learning in Robotics},
journal = {{IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}},
year = {2022},
urllink = {},
doi = {10.1109/LRA.2022.3196132},
abstract = {In recent years, both reinforcement learning and learning-based control—as well as the study of their safety, which is crucial for deployment in real-world robots—have gained significant traction. However, to adequately gauge the progress and applicability of new results, we need the tools to equitably compare the approaches proposed by the controls and reinforcement learning communities. Here, we propose a new open-source benchmark suite, called safe-control-gym, supporting both model-based and data-based control techniques. We provide implementations for three dynamic systems—the cart-pole, the 1D, and 2D quadrotor—and two control tasks—stabilization and trajectory tracking. We propose to extend OpenAI’s Gym API—the de facto standard in reinforcement learning research—with (i) the ability to specify (and query) symbolic dynamics and (ii) constraints, and (iii) (repeatably) inject simulated disturbances in the control inputs, state measurements, and inertial properties. To demonstrate our proposal and in an attempt to bring research communities closer together, we show how to use safe-control-gym to quantitatively compare the control performance, data efficiency, and safety of multiple approaches from the fields of traditional control, learning-based control, and reinforcement learning.}
Safe learning in robotics: from learning-based control to safe reinforcement learningL. Brunke, M. Greeff, A. W. Hall, Z. Yuan, S. Zhou, J. Panerati, and A. P. SchoelligAnnual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, vol. 5, iss. 1, 2022.
The last half decade has seen a steep rise in the number of contributions on safe learning methods for real-world robotic deployments from both the control and reinforcement learning communities. This article provides a concise but holistic review of the recent advances made in using machine learning to achieve safe decision-making under uncertainties, with a focus on unifying the language and frameworks used in control theory and reinforcement learning research. It includes learning-based control approaches that safely improve performance by learning the uncertain dynamics, reinforcement learning approaches that encourage safety or robustness, and methods that can formally certify the safety of a learned control policy. As data- and learning-based robot control methods continue to gain traction, researchers must understand when and how to best leverage them in real-world scenarios where safety is imperative, such as when operating in close proximity to humans. We highlight some of the open challenges that will drive the field of robot learning in the coming years, and emphasize the need for realistic physics-based benchmarks to facilitate fair comparisons between control and reinforcement learning approaches. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, Volume 5 is May 2022. Please see for revised estimates.
author = {Lukas Brunke and Melissa Greeff and Adam W. Hall and Zhaocong Yuan and Siqi Zhou and Jacopo Panerati and Angela P. Schoellig},
title = {Safe Learning in Robotics: From Learning-Based Control to Safe Reinforcement Learning},
journal = {{Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems}},
volume = {5},
number = {1},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.1146/annurev-control-042920-020211},
URL = {},
abstract = { The last half decade has seen a steep rise in the number of contributions on safe learning methods for real-world robotic deployments from both the control and reinforcement learning communities. This article provides a concise but holistic review of the recent advances made in using machine learning to achieve safe decision-making under uncertainties, with a focus on unifying the language and frameworks used in control theory and reinforcement learning research. It includes learning-based control approaches that safely improve performance by learning the uncertain dynamics, reinforcement learning approaches that encourage safety or robustness, and methods that can formally certify the safety of a learned control policy. As data- and learning-based robot control methods continue to gain traction, researchers must understand when and how to best leverage them in real-world scenarios where safety is imperative, such as when operating in close proximity to humans. We highlight some of the open challenges that will drive the field of robot learning in the coming years, and emphasize the need for realistic physics-based benchmarks to facilitate fair comparisons between control and reinforcement learning approaches. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, Volume 5 is May 2022. Please see for revised estimates. }
Fusion of machine learning and MPC under uncertainty: what advances are on the horizon?A. Mesbah, K. P. Wabersich, A. P. Schoellig, M. N. Zeilinger, S. Lucia, T. A. Badgwell, and J. A. Paulsonin Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2022, p. 342–357.
This paper provides an overview of the recent research efforts on the integration of machine learning and model predictive control under uncertainty. The paper is organized as a collection of four major categories: learning models from system data and prior knowledge; learning control policy parameters from closed-loop performance data; learning efficient approximations of iterative online optimization from policy data; and learning optimal cost-to-go representations from closed-loop performance data. In addition to reviewing the relevant literature, the paper also offers perspectives for future research in each of these areas.
author={Ali Mesbah and Kim P. Wabersich and Angela P. Schoellig and Melanie N. Zeilinger and Sergio Lucia and Thomas A. Badgwell and Joel A. Paulson},
booktitle={{Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC)}},
title={Fusion of Machine Learning and {MPC} under Uncertainty: What Advances Are on the Horizon?},
abstract = {This paper provides an overview of the recent research efforts on the integration of machine learning and model predictive control under uncertainty. The paper is organized as a collection of four major categories: learning models from system data and prior knowledge; learning control policy parameters from closed-loop performance data; learning efficient approximations of iterative online optimization from policy data; and learning optimal cost-to-go representations from closed-loop performance data. In addition to reviewing the relevant literature, the paper also offers perspectives for future research in each of these areas.}
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Providing safety guarantees for learning-based controllers is important for real-world applications. One approach to realizing safety for arbitrary control policies is safety filtering. If necessary, the filter modifies control inputs to ensure that the trajectories of a closed-loop system stay within a given state constraint set for all future time, referred to as the set being positive invariant or the system being safe. Under the assumption of fully known dynamics, safety can be certified using control barrier functions (CBFs). However, the dynamics model is often either unknown or only partially known in practice. Learning-based methods have been proposed to approximate the CBF condition for unknown or uncertain systems from data; however, these techniques do not account for input constraints and, as a result, may not yield a valid CBF condition to render the safe set invariant. In this letter, we study conditions that guarantee control invariance of the system under input constraints and propose an optimization problem to reduce the conservativeness of CBF-based safety filters. Building on these theoretical insights, we further develop a probabilistic learning approach that allows us to build a safety filter that guarantees safety for uncertain, input-constrained systems with high probability. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach in simulation and real-world experiments on a quadrotor and show that we can achieve safe closed-loop behavior for a learned system while satisfying state and input constraints.
author={Lukas Brunke and Siqi Zhou and Mingxuan Che and Angela P. Schoellig},
journal={{IEEE Control Systems Letters}},
title={Optimized Control Invariance Conditions for Uncertain Input-Constrained Nonlinear Control Systems},
abstract={Providing safety guarantees for learning-based controllers is important for real-world applications. One approach to realizing safety for arbitrary control policies is safety filtering. If necessary, the filter modifies control inputs to ensure that the trajectories of a closed-loop system stay within a given state constraint set for all future time, referred to as the set being positive invariant or the system being safe. Under the assumption of fully known dynamics, safety can be certified using control barrier functions (CBFs). However, the dynamics model is often either unknown or only partially known in practice. Learning-based methods have been proposed to approximate the CBF condition for unknown or uncertain systems from data; however, these techniques do not account for input constraints and, as a result, may not yield a valid CBF condition to render the safe set invariant. In this letter, we study conditions that guarantee control invariance of the system under input constraints and propose an optimization problem to reduce the conservativeness of CBF-based safety filters. Building on these theoretical insights, we further develop a probabilistic learning approach that allows us to build a safety filter that guarantees safety for uncertain, input-constrained systems with high probability. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach in simulation and real-world experiments on a quadrotor and show that we can achieve safe closed-loop behavior for a learned system while satisfying state and input constraints.}
Practical considerations for discrete-time implementations of continuous-time control barrier function-based safety filtersL. Brunke, S. Zhou, M. Che, and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2024. Accepted.
Safety filters based on control barrier functions (CBFs) have become a popular method to guarantee safety for uncertified control policies, e.g., as resulting from reinforcement learning. Here, safety is defined as staying in a pre-defined set, the safe set, that adheres to the system’s state constraints, e.g., as given by lane boundaries for a self-driving vehicle. In this paper, we examine one commonly overlooked problem that arises in practical implementations of continuous-time CBF-based safety filters. In particular, we look at the issues caused by discrete-time implementations of the continuous-time CBF-based safety filter, especially for cases where the magnitude of the Lie derivative of the CBF with respect to the control input is zero or close to zero. When overlooked, this filter can result in undesirable chattering effects or constraint violations. In this work, we propose three mitigation strategies that allow us to use a continuous-time safety filter in a discrete-time implementation with a local relative degree. Using these strategies in augmented CBF-based safety filters, we achieve safety for all states in the safe set by either using an additional penalty term in the safety filtering objective or modifying the CBF such that those undesired states are not encountered during closed-loop operation. We demonstrate the presented issue and validate our three proposed mitigation strategies in simulation and on a real-world quadrotor.
author={Lukas Brunke and Siqi Zhou and Mingxuan Che and Angela P. Schoellig},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC)}},
title={Practical Considerations for Discrete-Time Implementations of
Continuous-Time Control Barrier Function-Based Safety Filters},
abstract = {Safety filters based on control barrier functions (CBFs) have become a popular method to guarantee safety for uncertified control policies, e.g., as resulting from reinforcement learning. Here, safety is defined as staying in a pre-defined set, the safe set, that adheres to the system's state constraints, e.g., as given by lane boundaries for a self-driving vehicle. In this paper, we examine one commonly overlooked problem that arises in practical implementations of continuous-time CBF-based safety filters. In particular, we look at the issues caused by discrete-time implementations of the continuous-time CBF-based safety filter, especially for cases where the magnitude of the Lie derivative of the CBF with respect to the control input is zero or close to zero. When overlooked, this filter can result in undesirable chattering effects or constraint violations. In this work, we propose three mitigation strategies that allow us to use a continuous-time safety filter in a discrete-time implementation with a local relative degree. Using these strategies in augmented CBF-based safety filters, we achieve safety for all states in the safe set by either using an additional penalty term in the safety filtering objective or modifying the CBF such that those undesired states are not encountered during closed-loop operation. We demonstrate the presented issue and validate our three proposed mitigation strategies in simulation and on a real-world quadrotor.}
Differentially flat learning-based model predictive control using a stability, state, and input constraining safety filterA. W. Hall, M. Greeff, and A. P. SchoelligIEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, p. 2191–2196, 2023.
Learning-based optimal control algorithms control unknown systems using past trajectory data and a learned model of the system dynamics. These controllers use either a linear approximation of the learned dynamics, trading performance for faster computation, or nonlinear optimization methods, which typically perform better but can limit real-time applicability. In this letter, we present a novel nonlinear controller that exploits differential flatness to achieve similar performance to state-of-the-art learning-based controllers but with significantly less computational effort. Differential flatness is a property of dynamical systems whereby nonlinear systems can be exactly linearized through a nonlinear input mapping. Here, the nonlinear transformation is learned as a Gaussian process and is used in a safety filter that guarantees, with high probability, stability as well as input and flat state constraint satisfaction. This safety filter is then used to refine inputs from a flat model predictive controller to perform constrained nonlinear learning-based optimal control through two successive convex optimizations. We compare our method to state-of-the-art learning-based control strategies and achieve similar performance, but with significantly better computational efficiency, while also respecting flat state and input constraints, and guaranteeing stability.
title = {Differentially Flat Learning-Based Model Predictive Control Using a Stability, State, and Input Constraining Safety Filter},
author = {Adam W. Hall and Melissa Greeff and Angela P. Schoellig},
journal = {{IEEE Control Systems Letters}},
year = {2023},
volume = {7},
number = {},
urllink = {},
abstract = {Learning-based optimal control algorithms control unknown systems using past trajectory data and a learned model of the system dynamics. These controllers use either a linear approximation of the learned dynamics, trading performance for faster computation, or nonlinear optimization methods, which typically perform better but can limit real-time applicability. In this letter, we present a novel nonlinear controller that exploits differential flatness to achieve similar performance to state-of-the-art learning-based controllers but with significantly less computational effort. Differential flatness is a property of dynamical systems whereby nonlinear systems can be exactly linearized through a nonlinear input mapping. Here, the nonlinear transformation is learned as a Gaussian process and is used in a safety filter that guarantees, with high probability, stability as well as input and flat state constraint satisfaction. This safety filter is then used to refine inputs from a flat model predictive controller to perform constrained nonlinear learning-based optimal control through two successive convex optimizations. We compare our method to state-of-the-art learning-based control strategies and achieve similar performance, but with significantly better computational efficiency, while also respecting flat state and input constraints, and guaranteeing stability.}
Multi-step model predictive safety filters: reducing chattering by increasing the prediction horizonF. Pizarro Bejarano, L. Brunke, and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023, p. 4723–4730.
Learning-based controllers have demonstrated su-perior performance compared to classical controllers in various tasks. However, providing safety guarantees is not trivial. Safety, the satisfaction of state and input constraints, can be guaranteed by augmenting the learned control policy with a safety filter. Model predictive safety filters (MPSFs) are a common safety filtering approach based on model predictive control (MPC). MPSFs seek to guarantee safety while minimizing the difference between the proposed and applied inputs in the immediate next time step. This limited foresight can lead to jerky motions and undesired oscillations close to constraint boundaries, known as chattering. In this paper, we reduce chattering by considering input corrections over a longer horizon. Under the assumption of bounded model uncertainties, we prove recursive feasibility using techniques from robust MPC. We verified the proposed approach in both extensive simulation and quadrotor exper-iments. In experiments with a Crazyflie 2.0 drone, we show that, in addition to preserving the desired safety guarantees, the proposed MPSF reduces chattering by more than a factor of 4 compared to previous MPSF formulations.
author={Pizarro Bejarano, Federico and Brunke, Lukas and Schoellig, Angela P.},
booktitle={{Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}},
title={Multi-Step Model Predictive Safety Filters: Reducing Chattering by Increasing the Prediction Horizon},
abstract={Learning-based controllers have demonstrated su-perior performance compared to classical controllers in various tasks. However, providing safety guarantees is not trivial. Safety, the satisfaction of state and input constraints, can be guaranteed by augmenting the learned control policy with a safety filter. Model predictive safety filters (MPSFs) are a common safety filtering approach based on model predictive control (MPC). MPSFs seek to guarantee safety while minimizing the difference between the proposed and applied inputs in the immediate next time step. This limited foresight can lead to jerky motions and undesired oscillations close to constraint boundaries, known as chattering. In this paper, we reduce chattering by considering input corrections over a longer horizon. Under the assumption of bounded model uncertainties, we prove recursive feasibility using techniques from robust MPC. We verified the proposed approach in both extensive simulation and quadrotor exper-iments. In experiments with a Crazyflie 2.0 drone, we show that, in addition to preserving the desired safety guarantees, the proposed MPSF reduces chattering by more than a factor of 4 compared to previous MPSF formulations.}
Robust predictive output-feedback safety filter for uncertain nonlinear control systemsL. Brunke, S. Zhou, and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2022, p. 3051–3058.
author={Lukas Brunke and Siqi Zhou and Angela P. Schoellig},
booktitle={{Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}},
title={Robust Predictive Output-Feedback Safety Filter for Uncertain Nonlinear Control Systems},
abstract={In real-world applications, we often require reliable decision making under dynamics uncertainties using noisy high-dimensional sensory data. Recently, we have seen an increasing number of learning-based control algorithms developed to address the challenge of decision making under dynamics uncertainties. These algorithms often make assumptions about the underlying unknown dynamics and, as a result, can provide safety guarantees. This is more challenging for other widely used learning-based decision making algorithms such as reinforcement learning. Furthermore, the majority of existing approaches assume access to state measurements, which can be restrictive in practice. In this paper, inspired by the literature on safety filters and robust output-feedback control, we present a robust predictive output-feedback safety filter (RPOF-SF) framework that provides safety certification to an arbitrary controller applied to an uncertain nonlinear control system. The proposed RPOF-SF combines a robustly stable observer that estimates the system state from noisy measurement data and a predictive safety filter that renders an arbitrary controller safe by (possibly) minimally modifying the controller input to guarantee safety. We show in theory that the proposed RPOF-SF guarantees constraint satisfaction despite disturbances applied to the system. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed RPOF-SF algorithm using an uncertain mass-spring-damper system.}
Barrier Bayesian linear regression: online learning of control barrier conditions for safety-critical control of uncertain systemsL. Brunke, S. Zhou, and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC), 2022, p. 881–892.
In this work, we consider the problem of designing a safety filter for a nonlinear uncertain control system. Our goal is to augment an arbitrary controller with a safety filter such that the overall closed-loop system is guaranteed to stay within a given state constraint set, referred to as being safe. For systems with known dynamics, control barrier functions (CBFs) provide a scalar condition for determining if a system is safe. For uncertain systems, robust or adaptive CBF certification approaches have been proposed. However, these approaches can be conservative or require the system to have a particular parametric structure. For more generic uncertain systems, machine learning approaches have been used to approximate the CBF condition. These works typically assume that the learning module is sufficiently trained prior to deployment. Safety during learning is not guaranteed. We propose a barrier Bayesian linear regression (BBLR) approach that guarantees safe online learning of the CBF condition for the true, uncertain system. We assume that the error between the nominal system and the true system is bounded and exploit the structure of the CBF condition. We show that our approach can safely expand the set of certifiable control inputs despite system and learning uncertainties. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated in simulation using a two-dimensional pendulum stabilization task.
author={Lukas Brunke and Siqi Zhou and Angela P. Schoellig},
booktitle ={{Proc. of the Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC)}},
title ={Barrier {Bayesian} Linear Regression: Online Learning of Control Barrier Conditions for Safety-Critical Control of Uncertain Systems},
pages ={881--892},
urllink = {},
abstract = {In this work, we consider the problem of designing a safety filter for a nonlinear uncertain control system. Our goal is to augment an arbitrary controller with a safety filter such that the overall closed-loop system is guaranteed to stay within a given state constraint set, referred to as being safe. For systems with known dynamics, control barrier functions (CBFs) provide a scalar condition for determining if a system is safe. For uncertain systems, robust or adaptive CBF certification approaches have been proposed. However, these approaches can be conservative or require the system to have a particular parametric structure. For more generic uncertain systems, machine learning approaches have been used to approximate the CBF condition. These works typically assume that the learning module is sufficiently trained prior to deployment. Safety during learning is not guaranteed. We propose a barrier Bayesian linear regression (BBLR) approach that guarantees safe online learning of the CBF condition for the true, uncertain system. We assume that the error between the nominal system and the true system is bounded and exploit the structure of the CBF condition. We show that our approach can safely expand the set of certifiable control inputs despite system and learning uncertainties. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated in simulation using a two-dimensional pendulum stabilization task.}
Bayesian optimization with safety constraints: safe and automatic parameter tuning in roboticsF. Berkenkamp, A. Krause, and A. P. SchoelligMachine Learning, 2021.
Selecting the right tuning parameters for algorithms is a pravelent problem in machine learning that can significantly affect the performance of algorithms. Data-efficient optimization algorithms, such as Bayesian optimization, have been used to automate this process. During experiments on real-world systems such as robotic platforms these methods can evaluate unsafe parameters that lead to safety-critical system failures and can destroy the system. Recently, a safe Bayesian optimization algorithm, called SafeOpt, has been developed, which guarantees that the performance of the system never falls below a critical value; that is, safety is defined based on the performance function. However, coupling performance and safety is often not desirable in practice, since they are often opposing objectives. In this paper, we present a generalized algorithm that allows for multiple safety constraints separate from the objective. Given an initial set of safe parameters, the algorithm maximizes performance but only evaluates parameters that satisfy safety for all constraints with high probability. To this end, it carefully explores the parameter space by exploiting regularity assumptions in terms of a Gaussian process prior. Moreover, we show how context variables can be used to safely transfer knowledge to new situations and tasks. We provide a theoretical analysis and demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enables fast, automatic, and safe optimization of tuning parameters in experiments on a quadrotor vehicle.
author = {Felix Berkenkamp and Andreas Krause and Angela P. Schoellig},
title = {Bayesian optimization with safety constraints: safe and automatic parameter tuning in robotics},
journal = {{Machine Learning}},
year = {2021},
doi = {10.1007/s10994-021-06019-1},
abstract = {Selecting the right tuning parameters for algorithms is a pravelent problem in machine learning that can significantly affect the performance of algorithms. Data-efficient optimization algorithms, such as Bayesian optimization, have been used to automate this process. During experiments on real-world systems such as robotic platforms these methods can evaluate unsafe parameters that lead to safety-critical system failures and can destroy the system. Recently, a safe Bayesian optimization algorithm, called SafeOpt, has been developed, which guarantees that the performance of the system never falls below a critical value; that is, safety is defined based on the performance function. However, coupling performance and safety is often not desirable in practice, since they are often opposing objectives. In this paper, we present a generalized algorithm that allows for multiple safety constraints separate from the objective. Given an initial set of safe parameters, the algorithm maximizes performance but only evaluates parameters that satisfy safety for all constraints with high probability. To this end, it carefully explores the parameter space by exploiting regularity assumptions in terms of a Gaussian process prior. Moreover, we show how context variables can be used to safely transfer knowledge to new situations and tasks. We provide a theoretical analysis and demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enables fast, automatic, and safe optimization of tuning parameters in experiments on a quadrotor vehicle.}
Meta learning with paired forward and inverse models for efficient receding horizon controlC. D. McKinnon and A. P. SchoelligIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, iss. 2, p. 3240–3247, 2021.
This paper presents a model-learning method for Stochastic Model Predictive Control (SMPC) that is both accurate and computationally efficient. We assume that the control input affects the robot dynamics through an unknown (but invertable) nonlinear function. By learning this unknown function and its inverse, we can use the value of the function as a new control input (which we call the input feature) that is optimised by SMPC in place of the original control input. This removes the need to evaluate a function approximator for the unknown function during optimisation in SMPC (where it would be evaluated many times), reducing the computational cost. The learned inverse is evaluated only once at each sampling time to convert the optimal input feature from SMPC to a control input to apply to the system. We assume that the remaining unknown dynamics can be accurately represented as a model that is linear in a set of coefficients, which enables fast adaptation to new conditions. We demonstrate our approach in experiments on a large ground robot using a stereo camera for localisation.
title = {Meta Learning With Paired Forward and Inverse Models for Efficient Receding Horizon Control},
author = {Christopher D. McKinnon and Angela P. Schoellig},
journal = {{IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}},
year = {2021},
volume = {6},
number = {2},
pages = {3240--3247},
doi = {10.1109/LRA.2021.3063957},
urllink = {},
abstract = {This paper presents a model-learning method for Stochastic Model Predictive Control (SMPC) that is both accurate and computationally efficient. We assume that the control input affects the robot dynamics through an unknown (but invertable) nonlinear function. By learning this unknown function and its inverse, we can use the value of the function as a new control input (which we call the input feature) that is optimised by SMPC in place of the original control input. This removes the need to evaluate a function approximator for the unknown function during optimisation in SMPC (where it would be evaluated many times), reducing the computational cost. The learned inverse is evaluated only once at each sampling time to convert the optimal input feature from SMPC to a control input to apply to the system. We assume that the remaining unknown dynamics can be accurately represented as a model that is linear in a set of coefficients, which enables fast adaptation to new conditions. We demonstrate our approach in experiments on a large ground robot using a stereo camera for localisation.}
RLO-MPC: robust learning-based output feedback MPC for improving the performance of uncertain systems in iterative tasksL. Brunke, S. Zhou, and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021, pp. 2183-2190.
In this work we address the problem of performing a repetitive task when we have uncertain observations and dynamics. We formulate this problem as an iterative infinite horizon optimal control problem with output feedback. Previously, this problem was solved for linear time-invariant (LTI) system for the case when noisy full-state measurements are available using a robust iterative learning control framework, which we refer to as robust learning-based model predictive control (RL-MPC). However, this work does not apply to the case when only noisy observations of part of the state are available. This limits the applicability of current approaches in practice: First, in practical applications we typically do not have access to the full state. Second, uncertainties in the observations, when not accounted for, can lead to instability and constraint violations. To overcome these limitations, we propose a combination of RL-MPC with robust output feedback model predictive control, named robust learning-based output feedback model predictive control (RLO-MPC). We show recursive feasibility and stability, and prove theoretical guarantees on the performance over iterations. We validate the proposed approach with a numerical example in simulation and a quadrotor stabilization task in experiments.
author={Lukas Brunke and Siqi Zhou and Angela P. Schoellig},
booktitle={{Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}},
title={{RLO-MPC}: Robust Learning-Based Output Feedback {MPC} for Improving the Performance of Uncertain Systems in Iterative Tasks},
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abstract = {In this work we address the problem of performing a repetitive task when we have uncertain observations and dynamics. We formulate this problem as an iterative infinite horizon optimal control problem with output feedback. Previously, this problem was solved for linear time-invariant (LTI) system for the case when noisy full-state measurements are available using a robust iterative learning control framework, which we refer to as robust learning-based model predictive control (RL-MPC). However, this work does not apply to the case when only noisy observations of part of the state are available. This limits the applicability of current approaches in practice: First, in practical applications we typically do not have access to the full state. Second, uncertainties in the observations, when not accounted for, can lead to instability and constraint violations. To overcome these limitations, we propose a combination of RL-MPC with robust output feedback model predictive control, named robust learning-based output feedback model predictive control (RLO-MPC). We show recursive feasibility and stability, and prove theoretical guarantees on the performance over iterations. We validate the proposed approach with a numerical example in simulation and a quadrotor stabilization task in experiments.}
Context-aware cost shaping to reduce the impact of model error in safe, receding horizon controlC. D. McKinnon and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020, pp. 2386-2392.
This paper presents a method to enable a robot using stochastic Model Predictive Control (MPC) to achieve high performance on a repetitive path-following task. In particular, we consider the case where the accuracy of the model for robot dynamics varies significantly over the path–motivated by the fact that the models used in MPC must be computationally efficient, which limits their expressive power. Our approach is based on correcting the cost predicted using a simple learned dynamics model over the MPC horizon. This discourages the controller from taking actions that lead to higher cost than would have been predicted using the dynamics model. In addition, stochastic MPC provides a quantitative measure of safety by limiting the probability of violating state and input constraints over the prediction horizon. Our approach is unique in that it combines both online model learning and cost learning over the prediction horizon and is geared towards operating a robot in changing conditions. We demonstrate our algorithm in simulation and experiment on a ground robot that uses a stereo camera for localization.
title = {Context-aware Cost Shaping to Reduce the Impact of Model Error in Safe, Receding Horizon Control},
author = {Christopher D. McKinnon and Angela P. Schoellig},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}},
year = {2020},
pages = {2386-2392},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9197521},
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abstract = {This paper presents a method to enable a robot using stochastic Model Predictive Control (MPC) to achieve high performance on a repetitive path-following task. In particular, we consider the case where the accuracy of the model for robot dynamics varies significantly over the path–motivated by the fact that the models used in MPC must be computationally efficient, which limits their expressive power. Our approach is based on correcting the cost predicted using a simple learned dynamics model over the MPC horizon. This discourages the controller from taking actions that lead to higher cost than would have been predicted using the dynamics model. In addition, stochastic MPC provides a quantitative measure of safety by limiting the probability of violating state and input constraints over the prediction horizon. Our approach is unique in that it combines both online model learning and cost learning over the prediction horizon and is geared towards operating a robot in changing conditions. We demonstrate our algorithm in simulation and experiment on a ground robot that uses a stereo camera for localization.}
Learn fast, forget slow: safe predictive control for systems with locally linear actuator dynamics performing repetitive tasksC. D. McKinnon and A. P. SchoelligIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, iss. 2, p. 2180–2187, 2019.
We present a control method for improved repetitive path following for a ground vehicle that is geared towards long-term operation where the operating conditions can change over time and are initially unknown. We use weighted Bayesian Linear Regression to model the unknown actuator dynamics, and show how this simple model is more accurate in both its estimate of the mean behaviour and model uncertainty than Gaussian Process Regression and generalizes to novel operating conditions with little or no tuning. In addition, it allows us to use fast adaptation and long-term learning in one, unified framework, to adapt quickly to new operating conditions and learn repetitive model errors over time. This comes with the added benefit of lower computational cost, longer look-ahead, and easier optimization when the model is used in a robust, Model Predictive controller (MPC). In order to fully capitalize on the long prediction horizons that are possible with this new approach, we use Tube MPC to reduce predicted uncertainty growth. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in experiment on a 900 kg ground robot showing results over 2.7 km of driving with both physical and artificial changes to the robot’s dynamics. All of our experiments are conducted using a stereo camera for localization.
title={Learn Fast, Forget Slow: Safe Predictive Control for Systems with Locally Linear Actuator Dynamics Performing Repetitive Tasks},
author={Christopher D. McKinnon and Angela P. Schoellig},
journal = {{IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}},
year = {2019},
volume = {4},
number = {2},
pages = {2180--2187},
abstract = {We present a control method for improved repetitive path following for a ground vehicle that is geared towards long-term operation where the operating conditions can change over time and are initially unknown. We use weighted Bayesian Linear Regression to model the unknown actuator dynamics, and show how this simple model is more accurate in both its estimate of the mean behaviour and model uncertainty than Gaussian Process Regression and generalizes to novel operating conditions with little or no tuning. In addition, it allows us to use fast adaptation and long-term learning in one, unified framework, to adapt quickly to new operating conditions and learn repetitive model errors over time. This comes with the added benefit of lower computational cost, longer look-ahead, and easier optimization when the model is used in a robust, Model Predictive controller (MPC). In order to fully capitalize on the long prediction horizons that are possible with this new approach, we use Tube MPC to reduce predicted uncertainty growth. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in experiment on a 900 kg ground robot showing results over 2.7 km of driving with both physical and artificial changes to the robot's dynamics. All of our experiments are conducted using a stereo camera for localization.}
Provably robust learning-based approach for high-accuracy tracking control of Lagrangian systemsM. K. Helwa, A. Heins, and A. P. SchoelligIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, iss. 2, p. 1587–1594, 2019.
Lagrangian systems represent a wide range of robotic systems, including manipulators, wheeled and legged robots, and quadrotors. Inverse dynamics control and feed-forward linearization techniques are typically used to convert the complex nonlinear dynamics of Lagrangian systems to a set of decoupled double integrators, and then a standard, outer-loop controller can be used to calculate the commanded acceleration for the linearized system. However, these methods typically depend on having a very accurate system model, which is often not available in practice. While this challenge has been addressed in the literature using different learning approaches, most of these approaches do not provide safety guarantees in terms of stability of the learning-based control system. In this paper, we provide a novel, learning-based control approach based on Gaussian processes (GPs) that ensures both stability of the closed-loop system and high-accuracy tracking. We use GPs to approximate the error between the commanded acceleration and the actual acceleration of the system, and then use the predicted mean and variance of the GP to calculate an upper bound on the uncertainty of the linearized model. This uncertainty bound is then used in a robust, outer-loop controller to ensure stability of the overall system. Moreover, we show that the tracking error converges to a ball with a radius that can be made arbitrarily small. Furthermore, we verify the effectiveness of our approach via simulations on a 2 degree-of-freedom (DOF) planar manipulator and experimentally on a 6 DOF industrial manipulator.
title = {Provably Robust Learning-Based Approach for High-Accuracy Tracking Control of {L}agrangian Systems},
author = {Mohamed K. Helwa and Adam Heins and Angela P. Schoellig},
journal = {{IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}},
year = {2019},
volume = {4},
number = {2},
pages = {1587--1594},
doi = {10.1109/LRA.2019.2896728},
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abstract = {Lagrangian systems represent a wide range of robotic systems, including manipulators, wheeled and legged robots, and quadrotors. Inverse dynamics control and feed-forward linearization techniques are typically used to convert the complex nonlinear dynamics of Lagrangian systems to a set of decoupled double integrators, and then a standard, outer-loop controller can be used to calculate the commanded acceleration for the linearized system. However, these methods typically depend on having a very accurate system model, which is often not available in practice. While this challenge has been addressed in the literature using different learning approaches, most of these approaches do not provide safety guarantees in terms of stability of the learning-based control system. In this paper, we provide a novel, learning-based control approach based on Gaussian processes (GPs) that ensures both stability of the closed-loop system and high-accuracy tracking. We use GPs to approximate the error between the commanded acceleration and the actual acceleration of the system, and then use the predicted mean and variance of the GP to calculate an upper bound on the uncertainty of the linearized model. This uncertainty bound is then used in a robust, outer-loop controller to ensure stability of the overall system. Moreover, we show that the tracking error converges to a ball with a radius that can be made arbitrarily small. Furthermore, we verify the effectiveness of our approach via simulations on a 2 degree-of-freedom (DOF) planar manipulator and experimentally on a 6 DOF industrial manipulator.}
Learning probabilistic models for safe predictive control in unknown environmentsC. D. McKinnon and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the European Control Conference (ECC), 2019, p. 2472–2479.
Researchers rely increasingly on tools from machine learning to improve the performance of control algorithms on real world tasks and enable robots to operate for long periods of time without intervention. Many of these algorithms require a model for the dynamics of the robot. In particular, researchers designing methods for safe learning control often rely on an upper bound on model error to make guarantees about the worst-case closed-loop performance of their algorithm. There are different options for how to learn such a model of the robot dynamics. We study probabilistic models for use in the context of stochastic model predictive control. Two popular choices for learning the robot dynamics are Gaussian Process (GP) regression and various forms of local linear regression. In this paper, we present a study comparing GPs with a particular form of local linear regression for learning robot dynamics with the aim of guaranteeing safety when a robot operates in novel conditions. We show results based on experimental data from a 900 kg ground robot using vision for localisation.
author = {Christopher D. McKinnon and Angela P. Schoellig},
title = {Learning Probabilistic Models for Safe Predictive Control in Unknown Environments},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the European Control Conference (ECC)}},
year = {2019},
pages = {2472--2479},
abstract = {Researchers rely increasingly on tools from machine learning to improve the performance of control algorithms on real world tasks and enable robots to operate for long periods of time without intervention. Many of these algorithms require a model for the dynamics of the robot. In particular, researchers designing methods for safe learning control often rely on an upper bound on model error to make guarantees about the worst-case closed-loop performance of their algorithm. There are different options for how to learn such a model of the robot dynamics. We study probabilistic models for use in the context of stochastic model predictive control. Two popular choices for learning the robot dynamics are Gaussian Process (GP) regression and various forms of local linear regression. In this paper, we present a study comparing GPs with a particular form of local linear regression for learning robot dynamics with the aim of guaranteeing safety when a robot operates in novel conditions. We show results based on experimental data from a 900 kg ground robot using vision for localisation.},
Safe model-based reinforcement learning with stability guaranteesF. Berkenkamp, M. Turchetta, A. P. Schoellig, and A. Krausein Proc. of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2017, p. 908–918.
Reinforcement learning is a powerful paradigm for learning optimal policies from experimental data. However, to find optimal policies, most reinforcement learning algorithms explore all possible actions, which may be harmful for real-world systems. As a consequence, learning algorithms are rarely applied on safety-critical systems in the real world. In this paper, we present a learning algorithm that explicitly considers safety in terms of stability guarantees. Specifically, we extend control theoretic results on Lyapunov stability verification and show how to use statistical models of the dynamics to obtain high-performance control policies with provable stability certificates. Moreover, under additional regularity assumptions in terms of a Gaussian process prior, we prove that one can effectively and safely collect data in order to learn about the dynamics and thus both improve control performance and expand the safe region of the state space. In our experiments, we show how the resulting algorithm can safely optimize a neural network policy on a simulated inverted pendulum, without the pendulum ever falling down.
title = {Safe model-based reinforcement learning with stability guarantees},
booktitle = {{Proc. of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)}},
author = {Felix Berkenkamp and Matteo Turchetta and Angela P. Schoellig and Andreas Krause},
year = {2017},
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pages = {908--918},
abstract = {Reinforcement learning is a powerful paradigm for learning optimal policies from experimental data. However, to find optimal policies, most reinforcement learning algorithms explore all possible actions, which may be harmful for real-world systems. As a consequence, learning algorithms are rarely applied on safety-critical systems in the real world. In this paper, we present a learning algorithm that explicitly considers safety in terms of stability guarantees. Specifically, we extend control theoretic results on Lyapunov stability verification and show how to use statistical models of the dynamics to obtain high-performance control policies with provable stability certificates. Moreover, under additional regularity assumptions in terms of a Gaussian process prior, we prove that one can effectively and safely collect data in order to learn about the dynamics and thus both improve control performance and expand the safe region of the state space. In our experiments, we show how the resulting algorithm can safely optimize a neural network policy on a simulated inverted pendulum, without the pendulum ever falling down.},
Multi-robot transfer learning: a dynamical system perspectiveM. K. Helwa and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017, pp. 4702-4708.
Multi-robot transfer learning allows a robot to use data generated by a second, similar robot to improve its own behavior. The potential advantages are reducing the time of training and the unavoidable risks that exist during the training phase. Transfer learning algorithms aim to find an optimal transfer map between different robots. In this paper, we investigate, through a theoretical study of single-input single-output (SISO) systems, the properties of such optimal transfer maps. We first show that the optimal transfer learning map is, in general, a dynamic system. The main contribution of the paper is to provide an algorithm for determining the properties of this optimal dynamic map including its order and regressors (i.e., the variables it depends on). The proposed algorithm does not require detailed knowledge of the robots’ dynamics, but relies on basic system properties easily obtainable through simple experimental tests. We validate the proposed algorithm experimentally through an example of transfer learning between two different quadrotor platforms. Experimental results show that an optimal dynamic map, with correct properties obtained from our proposed algorithm, achieves 60-70% reduction of transfer learning error compared to the cases when the data is directly transferred or transferred using an optimal static map.
author={Mohamed K. Helwa and Angela P. Schoellig},
title={Multi-Robot Transfer Learning: A Dynamical System Perspective},
booktitle={{Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}},
abstract={Multi-robot transfer learning allows a robot to use data generated by a second, similar robot to improve its own behavior. The potential advantages are reducing the time of training and the unavoidable risks that exist during the training phase. Transfer learning algorithms aim to find an optimal transfer map between different robots. In this paper, we investigate, through a theoretical study of single-input single-output (SISO) systems, the properties of such optimal transfer maps. We first show that the optimal transfer learning map is, in general, a dynamic system. The main contribution of the paper is to provide an algorithm for determining the properties of this optimal dynamic map including its order and regressors (i.e., the variables it depends on). The proposed algorithm does not require detailed knowledge of the robots’ dynamics, but relies on basic system properties easily obtainable through simple experimental tests. We validate the proposed algorithm experimentally through an example of transfer learning between two different quadrotor platforms. Experimental results show that an optimal dynamic map, with correct properties obtained from our proposed algorithm, achieves 60-70% reduction of transfer learning error compared to the cases when the data is directly transferred or transferred using an optimal static map.},
Design of deep neural networks as add-on blocks for improving impromptu trajectory trackingS. Zhou, M. K. Helwa, and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2017, p. 5201–5207.
This paper introduces deep neural networks (DNNs) as add-on blocks to baseline feedback control systems to enhance tracking performance of arbitrary desired trajectories. The DNNs are trained to adapt the reference signals to the feedback control loop. The goal is to achieve a unity map between the desired and the actual outputs. In previous work, the efficacy of this approach was demonstrated on quadrotors; on 30 unseen test trajectories, the proposed DNN approach achieved an average impromptu tracking error reduction of 43% as compared to the baseline feedback controller. Motivated by these results, this work aims to provide platform-independent design guidelines for the proposed DNN-enhanced control architecture. In particular, we provide specific guidelines for the DNN feature selection, derive conditions for when the proposed approach is effective, and show in which cases the training efficiency can be further increased.
author={SiQi Zhou and Mohamed K. Helwa and Angela P. Schoellig},
title={Design of Deep Neural Networks as Add-on Blocks for Improving Impromptu Trajectory Tracking},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}},
year = {2017},
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abstract = {This paper introduces deep neural networks (DNNs) as add-on blocks to baseline feedback control systems to enhance tracking performance of arbitrary desired trajectories. The DNNs are trained to adapt the reference signals to the feedback control loop. The goal is to achieve a unity map between the desired and the actual outputs. In previous work, the efficacy of this approach was demonstrated on quadrotors; on 30 unseen test trajectories, the proposed DNN approach achieved an average impromptu tracking error reduction of 43% as compared to the baseline feedback controller. Motivated by these results, this work aims to provide platform-independent design guidelines for the proposed DNN-enhanced control architecture. In particular, we provide specific guidelines for the DNN feature selection, derive conditions for when the proposed approach is effective, and show in which cases the training efficiency can be further increased.}
Constrained Bayesian optimization with particle swarms for safe adaptive controller tuningR. R. P. R. Duivenvoorden, F. Berkenkamp, N. Carion, A. Krause, and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) World Congress, 2017, p. 12306–12313.
Tuning controller parameters is a recurring and time-consuming problem in control. This is especially true in the field of adaptive control, where good performance is typically only achieved after significant tuning. Recently, it has been shown that constrained Bayesian optimization is a promising approach to automate the tuning process without risking system failures during the optimization process. However, this approach is computationally too expensive for tuning more than a couple of parameters. In this paper, we provide a heuristic in order to efficiently perform constrained Bayesian optimization in high-dimensional parameter spaces by using an adaptive discretization based on particle swarms. We apply the method to the tuning problem of an L1 adaptive controller on a quadrotor vehicle and show that we can reliably and automatically tune parameters in experiments.
author = {Rikky R.P.R. Duivenvoorden and Felix Berkenkamp and Nicolas Carion and Andreas Krause and Angela P. Schoellig},
title = {Constrained {B}ayesian Optimization with Particle Swarms for Safe Adaptive Controller Tuning},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) World Congress}},
year = {2017},
pages = {12306--12313},
abstract = {Tuning controller parameters is a recurring and time-consuming problem in control. This is especially true in the field of adaptive control, where good performance is typically only achieved after significant tuning. Recently, it has been shown that constrained Bayesian optimization is a promising approach to automate the tuning process without risking system failures during the optimization process. However, this approach is computationally too expensive for tuning more than a couple of parameters. In this paper, we provide a heuristic in order to efficiently perform constrained Bayesian optimization in high-dimensional parameter spaces by using an adaptive discretization based on particle swarms. We apply the method to the tuning problem of an L1 adaptive controller on a quadrotor vehicle and show that we can reliably and automatically tune parameters in experiments.},
Learning multimodal models for robot dynamics online with a mixture of Gaussian process expertsC. D. McKinnon and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017, p. 322–328.
For decades, robots have been essential allies alongside humans in controlled industrial environments like heavy manufacturing facilities. However, without the guidance of a trusted human operator to shepherd a robot safely through a wide range of conditions, they have been barred from the complex, ever changing environments that we live in from day to day. Safe learning control has emerged as a promising way to start bridging algorithms based on first principles to complex real-world scenarios by using data to adapt, and improve performance over time. Safe learning methods rely on a good estimate of the robot dynamics and of the bounds on modelling error in order to be effective. Current methods focus on either a single adaptive model, or a fixed, known set of models for the robot dynamics. This limits them to static or slowly changing environments. This paper presents a method using Gaussian Processes in a Dirichlet Process mixture model to learn an increasing number of non-linear models for the robot dynamics. We show that this approach enables a robot to re-use past experience from an arbitrary number of previously visited operating conditions, and to automatically learn a new model when a new and distinct operating condition is encountered. This approach improves the robustness of existing Gaussian Process-based models to large changes in dynamics that do not have to be specified ahead of time.
author = {Christopher D. McKinnon and Angela P. Schoellig},
title = {Learning multimodal models for robot dynamics online with a mixture of {G}aussian process experts},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}},
year = {2017},
pages = {322--328},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989041},
abstract = {For decades, robots have been essential allies alongside humans in controlled industrial environments like heavy manufacturing facilities. However, without the guidance of a trusted human operator to shepherd a robot safely through a wide range of conditions, they have been barred from the complex, ever changing environments that we live in from day to day. Safe learning control has emerged as a promising way to start bridging algorithms based on first principles to complex real-world scenarios by using data to adapt, and improve performance over time. Safe learning methods rely on a good estimate of the robot dynamics and of the bounds on modelling error in order to be effective. Current methods focus on either a single adaptive model, or a fixed, known set of models for the robot dynamics. This limits them to static or slowly changing environments. This paper presents a method using Gaussian Processes in a Dirichlet Process mixture model to learn an increasing number of non-linear models for the robot dynamics. We show that this approach enables a robot to re-use past experience from an arbitrary number of previously visited operating conditions, and to automatically learn a new model when a new and distinct operating condition is encountered. This approach improves the robustness of existing Gaussian Process-based models to large changes in dynamics that do not have to be specified ahead of time.},
Deep neural networks for improved, impromptu trajectory tracking of quadrotorsQ. Li, J. Qian, Z. Zhu, X. Bao, M. K. Helwa, and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017, p. 5183–5189.
Trajectory tracking control for quadrotors is important for applications ranging from surveying and inspection, to film making. However, designing and tuning classical controllers, such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, to achieve high tracking precision can be time-consuming and difficult, due to hidden dynamics and other non-idealities. The Deep Neural Network (DNN), with its superior capability of approximating abstract, nonlinear functions, proposes a novel approach for enhancing trajectory tracking control. This paper presents a DNN-based algorithm as an add-on module that improves the tracking performance of a classical feedback controller. Given a desired trajectory, the DNNs provide a tailored reference input to the controller based on their gained experience. The input aims to achieve a unity map between the desired and the output trajectory. The motivation for this work is an interactive �fly-as-you-draw� application, in which a user draws a trajectory on a mobile device, and a quadrotor instantly flies that trajectory with the DNN-enhanced control system. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach improves the tracking precision for user-drawn trajectories after the DNNs are trained on selected periodic trajectories, suggesting the method�s potential in real-world applications. Tracking errors are reduced by around 40-50% for both training and testing trajectories from users, highlighting the DNNs� capability of generalizing knowledge.
author = {Qiyang Li and Jingxing Qian and Zining Zhu and Xuchan Bao and Mohamed K. Helwa and Angela P. Schoellig},
title = {Deep neural networks for improved, impromptu trajectory tracking of quadrotors},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}},
year = {2017},
pages = {5183--5189},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989607},
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abstract = {Trajectory tracking control for quadrotors is important for applications ranging from surveying and inspection, to film making. However, designing and tuning classical controllers, such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, to achieve high tracking precision can be time-consuming and difficult, due to hidden dynamics and other non-idealities. The Deep Neural Network (DNN), with its superior capability of approximating abstract, nonlinear functions, proposes a novel approach for enhancing trajectory tracking control. This paper presents a DNN-based algorithm as an add-on module that improves the tracking performance of a classical feedback controller. Given a desired trajectory, the DNNs provide a tailored reference input to the controller based on their gained experience. The input aims to achieve a unity map between the desired and the output trajectory. The motivation for this work is an interactive �fly-as-you-draw� application, in which a user draws a trajectory on a mobile device, and a quadrotor instantly flies that trajectory with the DNN-enhanced control system. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach improves the tracking precision for user-drawn trajectories after the DNNs are trained on selected periodic trajectories, suggesting the method�s potential in real-world applications. Tracking errors are reduced by around 40-50% for both training and testing trajectories from users, highlighting the DNNs� capability of generalizing knowledge.},
Safe controller optimization for quadrotors with Gaussian processesF. Berkenkamp, A. P. Schoellig, and A. Krausein Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016, p. 491–496.
One of the most fundamental problems when designing controllers for dynamic systems is the tuning of the controller parameters. Typically, a model of the system is used to obtain an initial controller, but ultimately the controller parameters must be tuned manually on the real system to achieve the best performance. To avoid this manual tuning step, methods from machine learning, such as Bayesian optimization, have been used. However, as these methods evaluate different controller parameters on the real system, safety-critical system failures may happen. In this paper, we overcome this problem by applying, for the first time, a recently developed safe optimization algorithm, SafeOpt, to the problem of automatic controller parameter tuning. Given an initial, low-performance controller, SafeOpt automatically optimizes the parameters of a control law while guaranteeing safety. It models the underlying performance measure as a Gaussian process and only explores new controller parameters whose performance lies above a safe performance threshold with high probability. Experimental results on a quadrotor vehicle indicate that the proposed method enables fast, automatic, and safe optimization of controller parameters without human intervention.
author = {Felix Berkenkamp and Angela P. Schoellig and Andreas Krause},
title = {Safe controller optimization for quadrotors with {G}aussian processes},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}},
year = {2016},
month = {May},
pages = {491--496},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487170},
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abstract = {One of the most fundamental problems when designing controllers for dynamic systems is the tuning of the controller parameters. Typically, a model of the system is used to obtain an initial controller, but ultimately the controller parameters must be tuned manually on the real system to achieve the best performance. To avoid this manual tuning step, methods from machine learning, such as Bayesian optimization, have been used. However, as these methods evaluate different controller parameters on the real system, safety-critical system failures may happen. In this paper, we overcome this problem by applying, for the first time, a recently developed safe optimization algorithm, SafeOpt, to the problem of automatic controller parameter tuning. Given an initial, low-performance controller, SafeOpt automatically optimizes the parameters of a control law while guaranteeing safety. It models the underlying performance measure as a Gaussian process and only explores new controller parameters whose performance lies above a safe performance threshold with high probability. Experimental results on a quadrotor vehicle indicate that the proposed method enables fast, automatic, and safe optimization of controller parameters without human intervention.},
Robust constrained learning-based NMPC enabling reliable mobile robot path trackingC. J. Ostafew, A. P. Schoellig, and T. D. BarfootInternational Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 35, iss. 13, pp. 1547-1563, 2016.
This paper presents a Robust Constrained Learning-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (RC-LB-NMPC) algorithm for path-tracking in off-road terrain. For mobile robots, constraints may represent solid obstacles or localization limits. As a result, constraint satisfaction is required for safety. Constraint satisfaction is typically guaranteed through the use of accurate, a priori models or robust control. However, accurate models are generally not available for off-road operation. Furthermore, robust controllers are often conservative, since model uncertainty is not updated online. In this work our goal is to use learning to generate low-uncertainty, non-parametric models in situ. Based on these models, the predictive controller computes both linear and angular velocities in real-time, such that the robot drives at or near its capabilities while respecting path and localization constraints. Localization for the controller is provided by an on-board, vision-based mapping and navigation system enabling operation in large-scale, off-road environments. The paper presents experimental results, including over 5 km of travel by a 900 kg skid-steered robot at speeds of up to 2.0 m/s. The result is a robust, learning controller that provides safe, conservative control during initial trials when model uncertainty is high and converges to high-performance, optimal control during later trials when model uncertainty is reduced with experience.
author = {Chris J. Ostafew and Angela P. Schoellig and Timothy D. Barfoot},
title = {Robust Constrained Learning-Based {NMPC} Enabling Reliable Mobile Robot Path Tracking},
year = {2016},
journal = {{International Journal of Robotics Research}},
volume = {35},
number = {13},
pages = {1547-1563},
doi = {10.1177/0278364916645661},
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abstract = {This paper presents a Robust Constrained Learning-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (RC-LB-NMPC) algorithm for path-tracking in off-road terrain. For mobile robots, constraints may represent solid obstacles or localization limits. As a result, constraint satisfaction is required for safety. Constraint satisfaction is typically guaranteed through the use of accurate, a priori models or robust control. However, accurate models are generally not available for off-road operation. Furthermore, robust controllers are often conservative, since model uncertainty is not updated online. In this work our goal is to use learning to generate low-uncertainty, non-parametric models in situ. Based on these models, the predictive controller computes both linear and angular velocities in real-time, such that the robot drives at or near its capabilities while respecting path and localization constraints. Localization for the controller is provided by an on-board, vision-based mapping and navigation system enabling operation in large-scale, off-road environments. The paper presents experimental results, including over 5 km of travel by a 900 kg skid-steered robot at speeds of up to 2.0 m/s. The result is a robust, learning controller that provides safe, conservative control during initial trials when model uncertainty is high and converges to high-performance, optimal control during later trials when model uncertainty is reduced with experience.},
Safe learning of regions of attraction for uncertain, nonlinear systems with Gaussian processesF. Berkenkamp, R. Moriconi, A. P. Schoellig, and A. Krausein Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016, pp. 4661-4666.
Control theory can provide useful insights into the properties of controlled, dynamic systems. One important property of nonlinear systems is the region of attraction (ROA), a safe subset of the state space in which a given controller renders an equilibrium point asymptotically stable. The ROA is typically estimated based on a model of the system. However, since models are only an approximation of the real world, the resulting estimated safe region can contain states outside the ROA of the real system. This is not acceptable in safety-critical applications. In this paper, we consider an approach that learns the ROA from experiments on a real system, without ever leaving the true ROA and, thus, without risking safety-critical failures. Based on regularity assumptions on the model errors in terms of a Gaussian process prior, we use an underlying Lyapunov function in order to determine a region in which an equilibrium point is asymptotically stable with high probability. Moreover, we provide an algorithm to actively and safely explore the state space in order to expand the ROA estimate. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in simulation.
author = {Felix Berkenkamp and Riccardo Moriconi and Angela P. Schoellig and Andreas Krause},
title = {Safe learning of regions of attraction for uncertain, nonlinear systems with {G}aussian processes},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}},
year = {2016},
pages = {4661-4666},
doi = {10.1109/CDC.2016.7798979},
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abstract = {Control theory can provide useful insights into the properties of controlled, dynamic systems. One important property of nonlinear systems is the region of attraction (ROA), a safe subset of the state space in which a given controller renders an equilibrium point asymptotically stable. The ROA is typically estimated based on a model of the system. However, since models are only an approximation of the real world, the resulting estimated safe region can contain states outside the ROA of the real system. This is not acceptable in safety-critical applications. In this paper, we consider an approach that learns the ROA from experiments on a real system, without ever leaving the true ROA and, thus, without risking safety-critical failures. Based on regularity assumptions on the model errors in terms of a Gaussian process prior, we use an underlying Lyapunov function in order to determine a region in which an equilibrium point is asymptotically stable with high probability. Moreover, we provide an algorithm to actively and safely explore the state space in order to expand the ROA estimate. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in simulation.}
Bayesian optimization with safety constraints: safe and automatic parameter tuning in roboticsF. Berkenkamp, A. Krause, and A. P. SchoelligTechnical Report, arXiv, 2016.
Robotic algorithms typically depend on various parameters, the choice of which significantly affects the robot’s performance. While an initial guess for the parameters may be obtained from dynamic models of the robot, parameters are usually tuned manually on the real system to achieve the best performance. Optimization algorithms, such as Bayesian optimization, have been used to automate this process. However, these methods may evaluate unsafe parameters during the optimization process that lead to safety-critical system failures. Recently, a safe Bayesian optimization algorithm, called SafeOpt, has been developed, which guarantees that the performance of the system never falls below a critical value; that is, safety is defined based on the performance function. However, coupling performance and safety is often not desirable in robotics. For example, high-gain controllers might achieve low average tracking error (performance), but can overshoot and violate input constraints. In this paper, we present a generalized algorithm that allows for multiple safety constraints separate from the objective. Given an initial set of safe parameters, the algorithm maximizes performance but only evaluates parameters that satisfy safety for all constraints with high probability. To this end, it carefully explores the parameter space by exploiting regularity assumptions in terms of a Gaussian process prior. Moreover, we show how context variables can be used to safely transfer knowledge to new situations and tasks. We provide a theoretical analysis and demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enables fast, automatic, and safe optimization of tuning parameters in experiments on a quadrotor vehicle.
title = {Bayesian optimization with safety constraints: safe and automatic parameter tuning in robotics},
institution = {arXiv},
author = {Berkenkamp, Felix and Krause, Andreas and Schoellig, Angela P.},
year = {2016},
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abstract = {Robotic algorithms typically depend on various parameters, the choice of which significantly affects the robot's performance. While an initial guess for the parameters may be obtained from dynamic models of the robot, parameters are usually tuned manually on the real system to achieve the best performance. Optimization algorithms, such as Bayesian optimization, have been used to automate this process. However, these methods may evaluate unsafe parameters during the optimization process that lead to safety-critical system failures. Recently, a safe Bayesian optimization algorithm, called SafeOpt, has been developed, which guarantees that the performance of the system never falls below a critical value; that is, safety is defined based on the performance function. However, coupling performance and safety is often not desirable in robotics. For example, high-gain controllers might achieve low average tracking error (performance), but can overshoot and violate input constraints. In this paper, we present a generalized algorithm that allows for multiple safety constraints separate from the objective. Given an initial set of safe parameters, the algorithm maximizes performance but only evaluates parameters that satisfy safety for all constraints with high probability. To this end, it carefully explores the parameter space by exploiting regularity assumptions in terms of a Gaussian process prior. Moreover, we show how context variables can be used to safely transfer knowledge to new situations and tasks. We provide a theoretical analysis and demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enables fast, automatic, and safe optimization of tuning parameters in experiments on a quadrotor vehicle.}
Safe and robust learning control with Gaussian processesF. Berkenkamp and A. P. Schoelligin Proc. of the European Control Conference (ECC), 2015, p. 2501–2506.
This paper introduces a learning-based robust control algorithm that provides robust stability and performance guarantees during learning. The approach uses Gaussian process (GP) regression based on data gathered during operation to update an initial model of the system and to gradually decrease the uncertainty related to this model. Embedding this data-based update scheme in a robust control framework guarantees stability during the learning process. Traditional robust control approaches have not considered online adaptation of the model and its uncertainty before. As a result, their controllers do not improve performance during operation. Typical machine learning algorithms that have achieved similar high-performance behavior by adapting the model and controller online do not provide the guarantees presented in this paper. In particular, this paper considers a stabilization task, linearizes the nonlinear, GP-based model around a desired operating point, and solves a convex optimization problem to obtain a linear robust controller. The resulting performance improvements due to the learning-based controller are demonstrated in experiments on a quadrotor vehicle.
author = {Felix Berkenkamp and Angela P. Schoellig},
title = {Safe and robust learning control with {G}aussian processes},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the European Control Conference (ECC)}},
pages = {2501--2506},
year = {2015},
doi = {10.1109/ECC.2015.7330913},
abstract = {This paper introduces a learning-based robust control algorithm that provides robust stability and performance guarantees during learning. The approach uses Gaussian process (GP) regression based on data gathered during operation to update an initial model of the system and to gradually decrease the uncertainty related to this model. Embedding this data-based update scheme in a robust control framework guarantees stability during the learning process. Traditional robust control approaches have not considered online adaptation of the model and its uncertainty before. As a result, their controllers do not improve performance during operation. Typical machine learning algorithms that have achieved similar high-performance behavior by adapting the model and controller online do not provide the guarantees presented in this paper. In particular, this paper considers a stabilization task, linearizes the nonlinear, GP-based model around a desired operating point, and solves a convex optimization problem to obtain a linear robust controller. The resulting performance improvements due to the learning-based controller are demonstrated in experiments on a quadrotor vehicle.}
Conservative to confident: treating uncertainty robustly within learning-based controlC. J. Ostafew, A. P. Schoellig, and T. D. Barfootin Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015, p. 421–427.
Robust control maintains stability and performance for a fixed amount of model uncertainty but can be conservative since the model is not updated online. Learning- based control, on the other hand, uses data to improve the model over time but is not typically guaranteed to be robust throughout the process. This paper proposes a novel combination of both ideas: a robust Min-Max Learning-Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (MM-LB-NMPC) algorithm. Based on an existing LB-NMPC algorithm, we present an efficient and robust extension, altering the NMPC performance objective to optimize for the worst-case scenario. The algorithm uses a simple a priori vehicle model and a learned disturbance model. Disturbances are modelled as a Gaussian Process (GP) based on experience collected during previous trials as a function of system state, input, and other relevant variables. Nominal state sequences are predicted using an Unscented Transform and worst-case scenarios are defined as sequences bounding the 3σ confidence region. Localization for the controller is provided by an on-board, vision-based mapping and navigation system enabling operation in large-scale, GPS-denied environments. The paper presents experimental results from testing on a 50 kg skid-steered robot executing a path-tracking task. The results show reductions in maximum lateral and heading path-tracking errors by up to 30% and a clear transition from robust control when the model uncertainty is high to optimal control when model uncertainty is reduced.
author = {Chris J. Ostafew and Angela P. Schoellig and Timothy D. Barfoot},
title = {Conservative to confident: treating uncertainty robustly within learning-based control},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}},
pages = {421--427},
year = {2015},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139033},
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abstract = {Robust control maintains stability and performance for a fixed amount of model uncertainty but can be conservative since the model is not updated online. Learning- based control, on the other hand, uses data to improve the model over time but is not typically guaranteed to be robust throughout the process. This paper proposes a novel combination of both ideas: a robust Min-Max Learning-Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (MM-LB-NMPC) algorithm. Based on an existing LB-NMPC algorithm, we present an efficient and robust extension, altering the NMPC performance objective to optimize for the worst-case scenario. The algorithm uses a simple a priori vehicle model and a learned disturbance model. Disturbances are modelled as a Gaussian Process (GP) based on experience collected during previous trials as a function of system state, input, and other relevant variables. Nominal state sequences are predicted using an Unscented Transform and worst-case scenarios are defined as sequences bounding the 3σ confidence region. Localization for the controller is provided by an on-board, vision-based mapping and navigation system enabling operation in large-scale, GPS-denied environments. The paper presents experimental results from testing on a 50 kg skid-steered robot executing a path-tracking task. The results show reductions in maximum lateral and heading path-tracking errors by up to 30% and a clear transition from robust control when the model uncertainty is high to optimal control when model uncertainty is reduced.}